Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sketching to Lining... I'm getting there!

The cell-shading walk-through I'm working on right now is taking an interesting turn, and more than ever, I feel like I'm under-qualified for making tutorials at all. My incompetence aside, this is one of the few times I'll be using thicker lines instead of thinner lines.

Starting off, we have this sketch here. This is what I started out with. I used the standard, pressure-sensitive brush on normal settings and did a rough outline of what I wanted on my tablet. For this step, I made the overall resolution pretty small since it's just a sketch, and would lag if I made the resolution high when I'm just going to line over it and disregard quality.

But then, while I was lining it, I completely changed my mind about her clothes and her pose, on her left side, and I changed a lot of things... like pulled her cape back and such. I was actually lining and sketching at the same time... on different layers, of course, but this might need to be omitted from the walk-through as to avoid confusing people who will use it.

And this would be the lined-up version of it. I used blue since I never like to use true-black nowadays in coloring. It creates a weird color 'hole' in the image by making things too bold. I used the same pressure brush I used on sketching. I turned down the opacity on the sketch layer, made new layers, and lined on top. I should note that you should always use eraser. The eraser is your very good friend. Have your left hand on the hotkeys (b for brush and e for eraser in Photoshop) and you will save years off your life.

Oh gawd... what am I going to do for the background? I guess it'll draw itself in eventually and I could just tell everyone that it was entirely planned ahead of time! (Kidding!)

Please keep in touch for more updates on this process!


  1. I think you're doing a fine job with this tutorial :3 I'm doing several right now as well, people have been asking me a lot of 'em ^^;

    But all in all, people have different styles and different techniques, so the tutorials would be reflecting how the artist work :3 The only thing I could suggest is maybe showing closeups of the lines with the sketch beneath to show the result :3
