I'm going to have less time soon, since I'll be studying for the GRE with my friend who is studying the MCAT. We will be doing all the studying! Besides that, he insisted that we play League of Legends all of today and tomorrow (when he is awake) in order to take advantage of double IP weekend. Ooooh boy. Oh boy oh boy oh boy. (Friend, you know who you are!) (Actually, friend, I hope that you know you are Robert, because if you don't I would be worried for your MCAT. The name slot is very important!)
I went to another friend's birthday party (this friend is called Edward! I just love how humans came up with names.) Robert and I ordered a ginormous 12oz burger and split it for the win because 16oz is a pound and 12 oz 3/4lb and is a lot. I thought I was full when we split a quesadilla. I thought I was going to die when I finished the first quarter of the burger. As a result, I barely touched the fries and skipped the ice cream. (No one else skipped the ice cream!)
It really occurs to me now that Cleaver Panda is probably largely based off of the my crowd. My bros are all science majors! I might fit in better with them but somehow, I picked a major where all the people try to be trendsetters or hipsters (mass communication/advertising) which makes sense given the major requires me to make something unimportant into the next big thing. But just imagine my jealousy when I'm the 2% with a PC. (Actually, I really love my Lenovo and all 8gigs of RAM we beefed it up with.) I learned last night to not declare my dislike of studying physics when outnumbered five or six to one. (The only other guy who didn't study science there was Tim, who was a Scandinavian Studies major and who left the party early, forcing me to face my fears alone.)
Five or six hours later, I'm back home, hungry again, and ate bread and avocado, then decided that sleep was in order, slept, and was struck by inevitable insomnia. Why? Well, if I do the math.... I went to bed at 10:30pm the previous day, slept through the morning... the noon... well into the afternoon... woke at the beginning of the evening at 5:45pm and realized I was going to be late for someone's birthday explosions.
I was well-stuck to bed for 19 hours. So much for productivity!
It is two minutes to six as I am writing this. I'm debating whether or not to go to the local bakery and buy a doughnut for breakfast. I really shouldn't but my favorite treat is boston cream bismarks. Mmmm...
... or I'll just go back to bed and roll around for a few more hours.
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